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mesin ramjet bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mesin ramjet"
  • In the case of a ramjet or scramjet engines, the air is directly fed to the nozzle.
    Dalam kasus mesin ramjet atau scramjet, udara secara langsung diumpankan ke nosel.
  • The Lockheed X-7 (dubbed the "Flying Stove Pipe") was an American unmanned test bed of the 1950s for ramjet engines and missile guidance technology.
    Lockheed X-7 (dijuluki "Flying Stove Pipe") adalah pesawat test bed tak berawak Amerika tahun 1950 untuk mesin Ramjet dan teknologi bimbingan rudal.
  • When the booster motors have accelerated the missile to past Mach 1.8, the kerosene-fueled ramjet engines kick in, accelerating the missile to a cruise speed of greater than Mach 2.0.
    Ketika motor pendorong telah mempercepat rudal ke masa lalu Mach 1,8, mesin Ramjet berbahan bakar minyak tanah menendang, mempercepat rudal untuk kecepatan jelajah lebih dari Mach 2,0.
  • It was a small and unique design because it was powered by two Hiller 8RJ2B ramjet engines mounted on the rotor blade tips which weigh 13lbs each and deliver an equivalent of 45 h.p. for a total of 90 h.p.
    Itu adalah desain yang kecil dan unik karena didukung oleh dua mesin ramjet Hiller 8RJ2B dipasang pada ujung pisau rotor yang beratnya masing-masing £13 dan memberikan setara dengan 45 hp untuk total 90 h.p.